Saturday, July 9, 2011

Win A Copy Of Dancing With Bear: A Love Story!

If you would like the chance to win an autographed copy of DancingWith Bear: A Love Story, head on over to the Goddess Fish Party Pavilion and leave a comment! That's all there is to it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lady Bear! My name is Karl Schonborn and I really enjoy reading your blog posts. To be released in October, my coming-of-age memoir, Cleft Heart: Chasing Normal shares my experience as a young man bullied for unintelligible speech. Despite overcoming my disability in a startling way, I have to cope with a family tragedy just months before I am set to marry. With courage, humor, and my family’s love, I overcame the shame, handicaps, and personal losses that might’ve defeated others less resolute. I currently update my own blog and would love if you could check out my postings at It’d be great to connect on twitter (@KarlSchonborn) and Facebook ( I am always looking for new people to follow! Thanks for your time and for the great posts on your site.
