Saturday, July 9, 2011

Win A Copy Of Dancing With Bear: A Love Story!

If you would like the chance to win an autographed copy of DancingWith Bear: A Love Story, head on over to the Goddess Fish Party Pavilion and leave a comment! That's all there is to it!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dancing With Bear: A Love Story E-Book

This is the cover I wanted to use for the print book, but it wasn't usable at that size. I did get to use it for the e-book that came out today.

I'm so excited to be able to offer Dancing With Bear: A Love Story in pdf format for only $5.00. If you would like to purchase a pdf copy, please go to my website Dancing With Bear and click on the "web store" tab, and you can order the e-book there.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Finally - The Final, Final Cover Art!

You know that saying about good intentions? Well, it certainly applies in this case. I loved the cover art for Dancing With Bear, but when I sent it to my good friend, and rockin' cover artist, C.H. Scarlett, I was told it wouldn't work. Because Dancing With Bear is a print book, the art has to be able to stand up to the size of the book cover without losing it's integrity. Since most of the photos in the collage were snapshots taken years ago, when they were sized for the book, they pixilated and that cover couldn't be used.

So, what's a Lady Bear to do?

Bear and I lived a simple life, although things sometimes got complicated just because that's how life is sometimes. Bear always told me to just be who I am and go with it. So, I have. In 1986, Bear's friend and cell mate, Alex Mezhbein sketched Bear in pencil and Bear sent me the sketch. He wrote at the top, "Sweetness", and below, "Love, licks, & more, Bear." What better way to sum up my relationship with him? So I've used this sketch as the cover, although the sketch was blown up, and the message Bear had written was deleted in the process. I still think this cover really portrays the man I married. The pic on the back cover is a heart pendant that I wear. It has a pic of Bear & I together, with his name and DOB-DOD beneath, and on the back, it says, "Forever & ever, Amen!" Bear had that tattooed on his chest, along with my name.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cover Art

After some discussion with my editor and good friend, Jeff, we decided to go with a black & white cover instead of the color one. Bear was an old hippie from the 60's and he embraced that part of himself. He was a laid back and enjoyed the quiet life we lived together. I think the B&W cover is more "Bear," so here it is!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nick Nack Paddy Wack!


In 1994 we lived on the Scott River in California and found a baby deer in the road. She was newborn and still had her umbilical cord attached. We moved her off the road beneath bushes so her mother could find her and she would also be safe from any traffic. I didn't even get back to our car before she came running after me, bleating and head-butted my leg. We took her home and raised her. Our dog, Bill looked after her, cleaned up after her, and protected her. She was a blast to have around and very smart. One day I went into our bedroom and Nicole was on the bed throwing my stuffed animals up in the air. She was house trained and went to the door when she needed to potty. At about 4 months of age there wasn't a leaf or flower in the yard as high as Nicole could reach. We had to take her to a preserve so she could be with her own kind but that was like leaving one of my children. Especially after she chased us down. We took her back and the man who lived at the preserve had to take her inside until we left, and I could hear her bleating as we drove away. I cried all the way home.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yahoo Group

I would like to invite you to join my Yahoo Group. This will be a place you can get updates on the latest happenings for Dancing With Bear. I'll be announcing the release date, radio shows, interviews, reviews, and all things Bear!

Thank you for clicking on the following link and becoming a member.

Lady Bear Yahoo Group

Monday, May 23, 2011

New Cover Art & An Excerpt

Dancing With Bear: A Love Story by Marie "Lady Bear" Marler

J. Bear Marler is the love of my life. When he passed away Dec. 18, 2010 my life changed forever. This book is dedicated to my children, grandchildren, and all the generations to come. I wrote this book because we had a romance and a love story that was unique and not always easy. We went up the hills and down the hills hand-in-hand. We raised our children, loved our grandchildren, and all the other members of our family. Bear was a force bigger than life, and sometimes I felt as if I was covered in his shadow but I know now that he was the man he was because I was there and that he never intended to bulldoze over me. Hindsight is 20/20 and although I beat myself up with the woulda, shoulda, and couldas, I know he wouldn't want that. Even so, I think of all the things I could have done differently, all the things I could've said, and all the things I said and shouldn't have. But in the end he loved me and I loved him - not even death can take that away.

Excerpt: (Unedited)

          About a week later, I received another letter from Bear.

         I haven’t heard from you and I am hoping you are all right. I’ve been thinking about you a lot and I think we would get along well. I realize I’m in prison and in October I will finish my state time and be sent to the feds, if they pick me up.

       I’m almost sure they will but I am hoping they won’t. I owe ‘em eight years and have to give ‘em half of that so I know they aren’t going to let me slide on it. I just hope that you will write to me and let me write to you to help pass the time.

Love & Licks,

          I thought he was sweet but I was just enjoying being able to breathe, not being under Clem’s thumb, and I wasn’t about to take a chance with another man, especially one who was incarcerated. I didn’t answer his letter.
          About a week or so later, I received another letter. Each of these had been sent to the old address and forwarded, and that somehow seemed like a buffer of sorts. Even though Bear’s third letter was as friendly as the first two, somewhere in the back of my mind I was sure he was trying to get my current address for Clem and I wasn’t biting.
          The kids and I moved into our own place and they started school. It wasn’t easy but we were doing all right. The kids made friends and I met the girl who lived next door to me.
          Sue was short, overweight and laughed a lot. She had a daughter the same age as one of my daughters and they became friends. Life seemed to be going pretty well and I was slowly getting over being jumpy every time the phone rang.
          One day my aunt came over with mail that had gone to her house and there was a fourth letter from Bear. He was still his pleasant, friendly self, but the letter was just a little different.


          This is the fourth letter I’ve written to you without hearing back. I think since we are going to be married, you should at least write to me.

          I told Joanne the day you and I looked at Janis Joplin that I had met the woman I was going to spend my life with and the divorce has been filed. All you need to do is divorce that idiot you were married to and we’ll get this situation taken care of.

Love & Licks,

          I laughed when I read his words. How could I not answer that?

          I guess four letters is enough and since I don’t want you growling at me, Bear-man, I’m answering you.

            As far as us getting married, I think you’re out of your mind. And as far as that other person goes, I’ve already started the divorce. Unfortunately, Clem has refused to sign the papers, so now I have to figure out what I’m supposed to do next.

            Funny but that was all it took and the letters became regular. I told him everything about my life and he told me everything about his.